1975 | J. Backelin.
On the rationality of some Hilbert series. 1. Preprints Univ. Stockholm No.16, 1975. |
1978 | J. Backelin
La série de Poincaré-Betti d'une algébre graduée de type fini à une relation est rationnelle. / C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Ser. A287, 843-846, 1978. |
1980 | J. Backelin.
Monomial rings of embedding dimension four have rational Poincaré series. Rep. Dep. Mat. Univ. Stockholm, No.14, 15, 1980. |
1981 | J. Backelin.
A distributiveness property of augmented algebras and some realted homological results. Preprints Univ. Stockholm, 1981. |
1991 | J. Backelin, R.
How we proved that there are exactly 924 7-roots. / S.M.Watt, ed. Proceedings of the ISAAC'91. - ACM, 1991. - P. 103-111. |
1993 | J.-E. Roos.
Commutative non-Koszul algebras having a linear resolution of arbitrarily high order. Applications to torsion in loop space homology.// C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 316 (1993), no. 11, 1123-1128. |
1993 | J.-E. Roos.
On computer-assisted research in homological algebra. Symbolic computation, new trends and developments (Lille, 1993).// Math. Comput. Simulation 42 (1996), no. 4-6, 475-490. |
1994 | J.-E. Roos.
A computer-aided study of the graded Lie algebra of a local commutative Nötherian ring. // Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, v. 91, 1994. - P. 255-315. |
Bergman relevant pages are 300-302. |
1995 | J.-E. Roos.
On the characterisation of Koszul algebras. Four counterexamples.// C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 321 (1995), no. 1, 15-20. |
1995 | J.-E. Roos.
Roos, Jan-Erik, A description of the homological behavior of families of quadratic forms in 4 variables. |
1995 | J.-E. Roos.
Koszul and non-Koszul algebras. |
1995 | S. Cojocaru, V.
Noncommutative Gröbner basis, Hilbert series, Anick's resolution and BERGMAN under MS-DOS. // Computer Science Journal of Moldova, v. 3, Nr. 1(7), 1995. - P. 24-39. |
1995 | V.A. Ufnarovskij.
Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods in Algebra. / A.I. Kostrikin, I.R. Shafarevich, eds. Algebra VI. - Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, v. 57. - Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1995. - P. 1-196. |
Full algebraic backgrounds in encyclopedy presentation (results only, no proofs). Advanced bibliography on the topic. |
1996 | A. Podoplelov.
Constructing the Gröbner basis using Anick's resolution in the noncommutative algebras. / Computer Science Journal of Moldova, v.4, nr. 3, 1996, pp.428-435. |
1997 | J.-E. Roos.
Good and bad Koszul algebras.// Abstracts AMS. |
1997 | C. Löfwall,
J.-E. Roos.
A nonnilpotent 1-2-presented graded Hopf algebra whose Hilbert series converges in the unit circle.// Adv. Math. 130 (1997), no. 2, 161-200. |
1998 | V. Ufnarovski.
Introduction to Noncommutative Gröbner Bases Theory. / In: Gröbner Bases and Applications, London Mathematical Society Lecture Notes Series. 251, pp. 259-280, 1998. |
1998 | S. Cojocaru,
A. Podoplelov,
V. Ufnarovski.
Non-Commutative Gröbner Bases and Anick's resolution. / In: Progress in Mathematics, vol. 173, Birkhaeuser Verlag, Basel (Switzerland), pp.139-159. |
1998 | J.-E. Roos, B. Sturmfels.
A toric ring with irrational Poincaré-Betti series. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Sér. I Math. 326 (1998), no. 2, 141-146. |
1999 | J.-E. Roos.
Homological Properties of quotients of exterior algebras. |
1999 | R. Fröberg, J.-E. Roos.
An affine monomial curve with irrational Poincaré-Betti series. // Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, v. 144(?). |
1999 | J.-E. Roos.
Some non-Koszul algebras. / Advances in geometry, 385-389, Progr. Math., 172, Birkhäuser, Boston, MA, 1999. |
2003 | J. Backelin,
S. Cojocaru,
V. Ufnarovski. The Computer Algebra Project Bergman: Current State, in: "Commutative algebra, Singularities and Computer Algebra", eds. J.Herzog and V.Vulutescu, pp. 75-101. - Series II. Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Vol. 115, Kluwer Academic Publishers. |
2003 | J. Backelin,
S. Cojocaru,
V. Ufnarovski. BERGMAN. In: Computer Algebra Handbook. J. Grabmeier, E. Kaltofen, V. Weispfenning (Eds.). - Springer, 2003, pp. 349-352. |
2005 | J. Backelin,
S. Cojocaru,
V. Ufnarovski. Mathematical computations using Bergman. - Lund University, Sweden, 2005. - 206 p. - ISBN 91-631-7203-8. |
A printed version of the bergman manual. |
2005 | J. Backelin,
S. Cojocaru,
A. Colesnicov,
L. Malahova,
V. Ufnarovski. Problems in interaction with the Computer Algebra System Bergman. In: Computational Commutative and Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry, vol. 196, NATO Science Series. Series III: Computer and Systems Sciences. G. Pfister, S. Cojocaru, V. Ufnarovski (Eds.). - IOS Press, 2005, pp. 185-198. |
2005 | D. Ronnovius,
V. Ufnarovski. Algorithmic Problems in SAGBI Basis Calculations. In: Computational Commutative and Non-Commutative Algebraic Geometry, vol. 196, NATO Science Series. Series III: Computer and Systems Sciences. G. Pfister, S. Cojocaru, V. Ufnarovski (Eds.). - IOS Press, 2005, pp. 244-248. |
2005 | A. Torstensson,
V. Ufnarovski,
H. Öfverbeck. Using resultants for SAGBI basis verification in the univariate polynomial ring. Journal of Symbolic Computation, vol. 40, issue 3, September 2005, pp. 1087-1105. |
2005 | H. Öfverbeck. Constructive Methods for SAGBI and SAGBI-Gröbner Bases. Ph.D. thesis, Lund University, 2005. |
The corresponding software computing Hilbert Base, SAGBI and SAGBI-Gröbner packages for Maple can be found here. |
1965 | B. Buchberger.
An Algorithm for Finding a Basis for the Residue Class Ring of a Zero-Dimensional Polynomial Ideal. Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria, Math. Inst., Ph. D. Thesis, 1965. - In German. |
1976 | B. Buchberger.
A Theoretical Basis for the Reduction of Polynomials to Canonical Form. // ACM SIGSAM Bull. 10/3: 19-29, and 10/4: 19-24, 1976. |
1979 | B. Buchberger.
A Criterion for Detecting Unnecessary Reductions in the Construction of Gröbner Bases. / In: Proc. of the EUROSAM 79 Symp. on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation, Marseille, June 26-28, 1979 (Lect. Notes in Comp. Sci. 72, Springer): 3-21. |
1986 | D. Anick.
On the homology of associative algebras. // Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, v. 296, Nr. 2, 1986. - P. 87-112. |
An article on theoretical backgrounds of Anick's resolution calculation. |
1995 | A. Colesnicov, L.
The Bergman package shell: an example of interface to the interpreting system. // Computer Science Journal of Moldova, v. 3, Nr. 2(8), 1995. - P. 111-122. |
Software engineering problems of implementing shell for bergman. |
1996 | A. Colesnicov.
Implementation and usage of the Bergman package shell. // Computer Science Journal of Moldova, v. 4, Nr. 2(11), 1996. - P. 260-276. |
Details and problems on the shell for bergman implemented under MS-DOS. |
1996 | A. Colesnicov.
Some aspects of shell design and implementation. Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Institute of Mathematics. Dissertation of the doctor in physics and mathematics, 1996. - 96 p. |
Chapter 3 (pp. 46-70) describes new kinds of object interaction and aspects of their implementation using bergman as an example; actually, work over bergman was the source of introduced ideas. |
2000 | S.Cojocaru,
A. Colesnicov,
L. Malahova,
S. Verlan.
Aspecte de securitate in versiunea Internet a sistemului de calcul simbolic Bergman./ Conferinta corpului didactico-stiintific "Bilantul activitatii stiintifice a USM pe anii 1998/99". Rezumatele comunicarilor, Chisinau. - P. 91-92. - In Romanian. - [Security aspects in the symbolic calculation system Bergman./ Teaching and research personnel conference "Results of scientific research at the State University of Moldova in 1998-1999". Report abstracts. - Kishinev.] |
Problems of security in the bergman system is discussed. |
2002 | S.Cojocaru,
A. Colesnicov,
L. Malahova.
Network version of the computer algebra system bergman. Computer Science Journal of Moldova. v.10, Nr.2, 2002, pp.216-222. |
Network demo version of the computer algebra system bergman is described. |
2005 | S.Cojocaru,
A. Colesnicov,
L. Malahova.
Interfaces to symbolic computation systems: reconsidering experience of Bergman. Computer Science Journal of Moldova. v.13, Nr.2, 2005, pp.232-244. |
2006 | S.Cojocaru,
L. Malahova,
A. Colesnicov.
Providing Modern Software Environments to Computer Algebra Systems. In: Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop, CASC 2006, Chisinau, Moldova, September 11-15, 2006. LNCS, Springer, pp.120-140. |
2007 | S.Cojocaru.
Intelligent interfaces for Computer Algebra Systems. Dr.Habilitat thesis. Chisinau, 2007 (in Romanian). |
1990 | G.L. Steele.
Common Lisp the Language. - 2nd edition . - Woburn, MA: Digital Press, 1990. - 1035 p. |
CLTL2 - a book defining Common Lisp. There is a WWW-version of the book. |
1994 | X3.226:1994. Programming Language Common Lisp [J13] | ANSI Standard developed after CLTL2. There is a WWW-version of the standard. |